There as been a lot of discussions lately in the Cybersecurity community around passwords. How long should they be? How often should you change them? Are dictionary words that bad if I use a couple of them? We wanted to provide a bit of insight about where things stand and help you make some good decisions.
First let’s look at it from the side of the attacker, let’s forget about hacking and all and just go straight to password cracking. To help understand scale, let’s use for reference a server with eight GPU (Graphic Processing Unit (they are faster than CPUs for floating points calculations)) can calculate around 500,000,000,000 (5x10^11) passwords hashes per seconds. Depending on who is trying to get in, that may or may not be that expensive (some vendors we know use cracking rigs with 60 GPU to benchmark passwords strengths…). So, an 8 characters password with uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special (let’s call this 112 possible character) is in theory 24,759,631,762,948,100 (2x10^16), which translates into 14 hours on our “medium” cracking rig (hence why 8 characters passwords are not that good anymore). 12 char? Well that would be 90 million days. Safe? Maybe.
“Unfortunately,”, we are dealing with humans, so most do not use 112 characters in their passwords. They also do not use special characters in all locations (many people will just add an exclamation mark at the end). They also do not use upper cases in all locations, usually only the first letter of a word. So what would have passed for a strong password a couple of years ago (WordWord1!) is actually a fairly weak password in today's world. It becomes a game of statistics, which passwords an attacker tries first in order to minimize crack time.
So here is a classic bad actors approach to cracking passwords:
And with all of those things, you can crack the weak passwords in a reasonable amount of time.
So, how does one not create a weak password?
Does that sound complicated? A little, but it is better than getting your bank information stolen…
The first time you create a new strong password, it will be hard, but as you get used to it, it becomes easier (and passwords must be different in all systems, but that does not necessarily mean an entirely new password, just different.