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There is a saying in the security community: there are two types of organizations: those who have been breached, and those who do not yet know that they have been breached.
I was surprised how many people I talked to were not aware of this specific topic so I figured I would shed some light for all.
But first, let me talk about one of my customers and why I decided to write this article (even if though it seems so obvious). The person in question handles accounting and receives all accounting...
First let’s remind ourselves of why the as a Service model is great for everyone. For customers, it enables them to get what they need at a predictable cost without the headaches. For service...
Software Defined reminds me of Cloud in the early beginnings, everybody talks about it, but no one is saying the same thing! Therefore I decided to try to shed some light on the topic today. When I...
The New Year is upon us and the number one question in your mind should be: How will I spend my IT budget this year (if it’s not, we need to discuss on why investing in IT is crucial for your...
I have lately been having a similar discussion with many of my clients, colleagues and peers, so I felt it would probably be of interest to all.The conversation usually starts in similar ways: “What...
The world of End User Computing is going thru multiple exciting changes at the moment.
Hi everyone! For this blog entry I have decided to go back in the lab and geek out. We had a client that had some very specific constraint for their VMware environment and after many discussions and...
In today’s world, IT is more and more viewed as a Service Provider. It provides services such as email, reporting, file storage… It is no longer about doing IT for the sake of IT; it is now about...
I was participating a meeting with a customer with other vendors and he challenged us in delivering his vision of PaaS: a standard infrastructure he could own or rent on which standard vendor systems...