Continuing our goal of providing a high-level overview of the things you should be doing to be more Cybersecure, this is part 2 of 5. Now that you have identified your assets and their “value”, we...
In the spirit of the Cyber Security Awareness Month, we wanted to do a five part article on the Five Functions of NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). The goal is to provide a...
There as been a lot of discussions lately in the Cybersecurity community around passwords. How long should they be? How often should you change them? Are dictionary words that bad if I use a couple...
As you have probably seen in all the headlines, there is a cyber war going on and the cannabis industry is probably the next victim. Cyber criminals are constantly re-adjusting their target. At...
In more details: Patch everything Patches are the manufacturers way to tell you they found a problem that needs fixing. Always apply all patches to all devices by following a simple process: test,...
I had the pleasure to spend the last week in San Francisco with IBM’s best and brightest at the IBM Think 2019, and pardon the pun, it got me thinking (a lot).
Private Cloud is actually a very interesting topic (if you forget all the hype around ze Cloud (<- insert Toy Story alien ooo sound here)). First, let’s clarify what I mean by “Private Cloud” (it has...
#1: A classic: If it looks too good to be true, it probably is… This one can be hard on Black Friday because there are amazing deals! A 65” 4K at $500 may very well be true, 99% off on your purchase...
For those that are not aware, Cybersecurity now applies to all, and yes that means you too. There used to be a time where only larger enterprises were targeted and that SMBs could survive by doing...
For a lot of companies, IT is only is a Cost Center; one of those necessary evils you must have in order to do business. Fortunately, this is changing: more and more IT is now viewed as a service...
Hi all, I have been getting a lot of those lately, so I figured I would do a little bit of education since there is a lot of attacks against mobile platforms at the moment (especially Android). So...